You only have One Chance to get it Right the First Time!
In today's business climate there is little room for mistake, little room for trial and error, and delivering timely, high quality results that withstand the test of time is more important than ever.
Our Background
Our services draw on two decades of experience in the design and implementation of various types of systems, combined with a strong customer focus and an understanding of how businesses work.
While our current focus is on the design and implementation of distributed systems, we have a vast experience in multiple areas, such as the design and implementation of programming frameworks (e.g. Windows Communication Foundation - previously known by the codename "Indigo"), creating data-intensive systems, designing workflow-based systems, and more.
Over the years we have engaged with hundreds of companies and have gained experience in multiple industry verticals and have helped these companies design optimal solutions for their scenarios.
Engaging With Us
Our goal is to help you architect, design, and implement your technology-based solution in an optimal manner, and ensure that you indeed "get it right the first time". To that end, we will work with you to articulate the business processes and scenarios, identify your goals in addressing these processes and scenarios, and utilize the right set of technologies to realize them. As applicable, we will also draw on our consulting experience to uncover new and innovative ways in which technology can help you advance and expand your business.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals, or perhaps to brainstorm new ideas for expanding your business through the use of technology.
You only have One Chance to get it Right the First Time!

Our approach to technology and business is a comprehensive one. On the one hand, we believe that technology’s goal is to serve the needs of the business and help drive its growth through the surfacing of business information, the implementation of best practices, and enabling new business capabilities and scenarios. On the other hand, we believe that technology needs to address the needs of the people using it, and empower them to do their outmost. We also believe that these goals, these two sides of the technology coin, are inseparable, and in our technology & business consulting practice we aim to serve them both.
In our practice, we focus on technology-based or technology-assisted businesses, and help them reach their potential through improving existing solutions and processes and the implementation of new ones.
The Business Angle
We believe that business success does not have to be a mountaintop; with the right business idea and the proper technology solution to back it up success could be valley that you naturally glide into through the path of least resistance. Through our relationships with our clients and partners, we work to unlock that path and point out the obstacles along the path such that they can be avoided or removed.
Whether you have a business idea that could be implemented using technology, or an existing business that needs to update its existing technology solution, we are here to help.
The Technology Angle
Businesses have, well, business needs. They need to make a profit, or at least be sustainable. Business success needs to be measurable again set goals, and the trends towards these goals need to be uncovered, tracked and acted upon proactively. Technology should help in tracking performance and uncovering the trends. We work with our clients to understand and clearly define their goals, and build the right tools and processes to help them track their success.
In order to grow, increase profitability, and open up new opportunities, businesses often need to partner with other businesses. These partners can be providers or consumers of the goods and/or services that the business creates and consumes. Great businesses partner with their customers as well; they listen to them and learn how to improve. In a technology-driven world, partner integration and customer relationships are achieved through building the right mechanisms to help make these connections easy, make it easy to listen to explicit feedback, and help uncover implicit feedback. Our goal is to help our clients make these connections easy to achieve through designing the right interfaces and mechanisms into their technology solutions.
Good businesses are very efficient. Great businesses constantly look for ways to be even more efficient, and implement them. Being efficient means doing more with less – achieving greater business success with fewer people, in shorter timeframes, and with fewer resources. Efficiency means that things are simpler and more streamlined, and is reflected in the processes implemented by the business. To ensure consistent and reproducible success, best practices need to be captured, integrated into the way things are done, and made easy to follow. Our goal is to build a solution for you that would make your business as efficient as possible, reducing cost while increasing profitability, and help things “just happen” in the most optimal way by optimizing your business processes and implementing best practices through them.
The People Angle
It is our firm belief that success is based first and foremost on the user experience – "the place where the rubber hits the road". We have been practicing this philosophy for over two decades, and through it saw success time and time again. We bring this user-centric approach to every engagement and make it a core part of how we design our solutions and conduct our business.
Good technology serves basic human needs, regardless of the business reason for its existence. Good technology empowers its users, makes them productive and efficient in reaching their goals, does that in a manner which keeps them safe and worry free, and yes, even helps them feel good about themselves as they are using it. In a world where what technology does is easy to duplicate, it is not what the software does that makes people into happy users; it’s how the software does it. The same principles hold for human-centric interaction like consulting, coaching, and training.
Our solutions take a user-centric approach. First and foremost, our solutions are designed to help the users feel safe and worry free. Their design helps minimize or completely avoid mistakes, ensure that proper privacy is maintained, and that the users and business comply with any business or regulatory requirements. We design our solutions to be efficient yet simple and easy to use, bringing to bear years of experience in process creation, process optimization, software usability, and human factors. These solutions strive to leverage what people already know, help them carry out their intent, and yes, even make them feel knowledgeable as they use them. As applicable, our solutions help people work in a way that most fits their needs, whether that’s fully-online or occasionally-connected, at the office, at home, or on the road.
Our approach is comprehensive, and it brings the same core principles like design simplicity, metaphor reuse, short learning curves, leveraging of existing knowledge, etc. to the design of everything that we do: from comprehensive system architecture, to code class-libraries, to web-based user interface, or a training session.